Boldly Go

We realize that Star Trek and Tarot is an unusual combination, far from obvious, but it works incredibly well, with beautiful depth to the card matchings.

Made by Fans for Fans

STAR TREK TAROT was originally created by fans for fans. We matched the 78 Tarot cards one-to-one with the original 78 aired Star Trek episodes, and added the initially unaired pilot episode on two bonus cards. Those first few STAR TREK TAROT decks were just handmade sets, with simple DVD framegrabs and overlaid text, printed poker-sized on cheap cardstock, and given out as Christmas gifts to friends. It was our hope that our Tarot friends might learn more about Star Trek, and our Star Trek friends might learn more about Tarot.

We thought that would be that. But we were soon besiged with requests for where we had bought them, wanting more so that they could give some to their friends. Surprised that the decks were our own handmade cards, our friends urged us to turn them into a fully professional product and sell it for real.

It took us years to get there. We worked with Tarot experts to hone the deck to honor the layers of traditional and modern Tarot associations. We worked with artists to create original Star Trek imagery for each card in a style that is both appropriate for a Tarot deck, and not caricatured or cartoony but respectful representations of the original episode scenes. We worked with professional printers to insure the highest card quality. We worked with the studio to meet all of their product design, licensing, packaging and advertising standards. And let’s not even talk about Covid setbacks.

We’re proud to present a product of a high enough quality that WE would want to buy it. STAR TREK TAROT is not a joke deck or a gag gift. It’s a serious product that shows deep respect to the Tarot and to Star Trek.

By the way, the starfield and nebula featured on our card backs (and our top banner here) is real! Sometimes life really does imitate art. Check out the Hubble Variable Nebula.