Card of the Week: Six of Rods

Following in the wake of the sometimes chaotic dynamics of a large group operation, a single leader may need to emerge to gather support and help the group coalesce around a common goal.

The Six of Rods indicates self-confidence and well being, the group coalescing to follow its leader to advancement, triumph and victory.  Perhaps some good news has arrived for the group, or a conflict has ended, and it is time for celebration.  Whether this is the result of individual work or a team effort, it is appropriate to recognize the accomplishment.

Inverted, this card suggests a victory or success that may be temporary.  Like the legendary Trojan Horse, a triumphant facade may hide deeper and more serious lurking problems.

In “A Taste of Armageddon” the Enterprise hosts Ambassador Fox to open negotiations with planet Eminiar VII, who initially tells them to stay away.  Fox is escorted to the planet anyway, where Mea 3 escorts them to their Division of Control.  Its High Council leader Anan 7 warns the Enterprise landing party that his planet Eminiar VII has been at war with its neighboring planet Vendikar for centuries.  It is pointed out that there is no evidence of violence, but Mea explains that both planets perform a “civilized” war via computer; computed casualties are expected to report voluntarily to disintegration chambers.  When the Enterprise is classified as “destroyed” and its crew expected to beam down to die, Kirk and Spock instead destroy the Eminiar war computer, forcing the two planets to finally open negotiations for true peace, with Fox’s help.


Card of the Week: The Hanged Man


Card of the Week: King of Rods